TRX shoulder external and internal rotation exercises are important for maintaining mobility, flexibility, and strength in the shoulder joint. These exercises target the rotator cuff muscles, which play a crucial role in stabilizing the shoulder during various arm movements. They enhance overall shoulder function for daily activities and sports performance.
We indirectly train rotator cuff muscles in other exercises such as TRX deltoid flies. However, in this article we specifically study TRX shoulder rotation exercises.
Table of Contents
TRX Shoulder External Rotation
External rotation exercises involve moving the arm outward, away from the body. There are three main variations for TRX shoulder external rotation.
First form is like the second part of TRX W deltoid fly. For this variation face toward the anchor point and hold TRX handles.
- Hold elbows in line with shoulders while bending them to 90 degrees.
- Lean backward to create the required resistance.
- Turn your hands upward.
- Slowly bring your hands back to the initial position.

Second variation requires standing away from the anchor point.
- Hold handles in a way that TRX straps are bellow forearms.
- Elbows are bent to 90 degrees and forearms are pointed downward.
- By turning your hands upward, forearms move to the front of chest until they are in line with the strap.
- Again, by dropping our body weight forward we generate force that drives hands downward.
- Subsequently, bring them back to the initial position.

Essentially, first and second forms complete a full range of motion for the same exercise. Hence, we can perform them back to back. A few repetitions of the first form followed by the second form.
For the third form of TRX Shoulder External Rotation, instead of holding elbows in line with shoulders, hold them close to your torso at both sides. This variation is also called TRX L Fly:
- Stand facing the anchor point, grab both handles and lean backward.
- Rotation motion: Initiate the movement by externally rotating your shoulders, moving your hands outward while keeping your elbows close to your body. Focus on engaging the muscles of the rotator cuff.
- Controlled Return: Bring your hands back to the starting position with a controlled, deliberate motion, maintaining tension in the straps throughout.

We may as well execute this exercise with one arm which allows a wider range of motion. For this we should stand with one side of the body towards the anchor point. Then perform single-arm TRX shoulder external rotation.

TRX Cuban Press
The form of TRX cuban press is quite similar to TRX shoulder external rotation, but we do a rowing motion at the beginning and a shoulder press movement at the end.

- Perform the rowing motion.
- Turn your hands upward.
- Perform the shoulder press motion by extending hands above the head.
Another form of this exercise is when we combine it with weight. The shoulder press part of this exercise is better performed when we hang weight from the strap. Also, the range of external rotation is wider.
TRX Cuban Press with Weight
For TRX cuban press with weight, attach a weight to the TRX anchor strap.
- Drag your elbows up and form an M shape with your hands pointed downward.
- Turn your hands upward.
- Perform the shoulder press by pushing hands above your head.

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For adding extra weight to TRX, you can use adjustable aqua Kettlebell weight,
sandbag and attach it to the TRX anchor strap. They have different weight measures. Sandbag is more suitable if you need heavier weight.
TRX Shoulder Internal Rotation
Internal rotation exercises involve moving the arm inward, towards the body. Similarly, for TRX shoulder internal rotation we can do the opposite of the previous variations.
We can perform the reverse of the first form by facing away from the anchor point,
- Initially, hands are pointed upward and elbows are at 90 degrees.
- Lean forward to generate resistance.
- By turning from shoulders, slowly bring your hands down toward your chest.
- Bring them back to their initial position.

For the second variation:
- Stand facing the anchor point.
- Upper arms are in line with chest and forearms are bent forward.
- Slowly bring your hands down and drive yourself forward.
- Return to the initial position.
Finally, for the third variation of TRX shoulder internal rotation, hold your elbows close to your torso at both sides of your body.
- Stand facing away from the anchor point and hold both handles.
- Slowly lean forward and allow your forearms to open toward your sides.
- Controllably bring your hands back to their initial position, which drives your body to the vertical position again.
We can as well do single-arm TRX shoulder internal rotation.

Don’t forget to learn the king of shoulder exercises TRX shoulder press with and without weight. You can also find your suitable shoulder exercise in comprehensive reference to all TRX shoulder exercises.