
TRX pull-up
TRX pull-up
Learn how to perform TRX Pull-Ups correctly, engaging your back, shoulders, and biceps for a comprehensive upper body workout. 🌟 Explore the benefits, scalable variations, and progression techniques
TRX Row Workouts for Strong and Toned Upper Body
TRX Row Workouts for Strong and Toned Upper Body
Discover a collection of effective TRX row workouts that will help you strengthen and tone your back. From the classic TRX Row to the challenging TRX inverted row.
The Power of Plyometrics and Strength Training
The Power of Plyometrics and Strength Training
In this story, we'll delve into the science behind plyometrics and strength training, sharing research-backed insights. We'll provide workouts and tips for beginners and advanced athletes
7 TRX Chest Workouts
7 TRX Chest Workouts
TRX chest workouts are a highly effective way to build strength and tone your chest muscles. Using the TRX suspension training system, these workouts provide a challenging workout for chest muscles.
9 TRX tricep workouts to shape arms
9 TRX tricep workouts to shape arms
TRX tricep workouts for all fitness levels from beginners to advance. A helpful guide on how to build tricep muscles when you don't have gym access or prefer calisthenics training.
Eccentric Bodyweight Exercise for Hypertrophy
Eccentric Bodyweight Exercise for Hypertrophy
Standard exercises include eccentric and concentric phases, but we can base a calisthenics program on eccentric phase. Splitting negative and positive phases provide additional opportunities.
Innovative TRX Mounting Ideas
Innovative TRX Mounting Ideas
Explore different TRX anchoring ideas that are mostly based on our homemade TRX straps, but they can be applied to the official TRX trainer as well.
13 TRX Bicep Curls Variations
13 TRX Bicep Curls Variations
New and innovative styles of TRX bicep curl using suspension straps.
18 TRX Forearm Workouts with suspension straps
18 TRX Forearm Workouts with suspension straps
Naturally, forearms and wrists are trained indirectly during different upper body exercises, but still, we can perform isolated TRX forearm workouts to improve weak areas.
TRX pull-up TRX Row Workouts for Strong and Toned Upper Body The Power of Plyometrics and Strength Training 7 TRX Chest Workouts 9 TRX tricep workouts to shape arms Eccentric Bodyweight Exercise for Hypertrophy Innovative TRX Mounting Ideas 13 TRX Bicep Curls Variations 18 TRX Forearm Workouts with suspension straps
TRX pull-up TRX Row Workouts for Strong and Toned Upper Body The Power of Plyometrics and Strength Training 7 TRX Chest Workouts 9 TRX tricep workouts to shape arms Eccentric Bodyweight Exercise for Hypertrophy Innovative TRX Mounting Ideas